How to Stay Positive in a Negative World:

I like to preach the importance of positivity… And it has taken me years to honour my own wishes, years and even still to this day, I still sometimes feel so left out and filled with negativity I want to scream.

However, just KNOWING, that I am the only one who has the power to filter what goes on inside of my mind, has had a huge impact on everything I feel. Understanding that I choose what I want to think about…

Of course there are many other factors that contribute to a positive lifestyle…

Before I list out a few of the things that help me at times, I want to express the importance of lifestyle choices. I cannot say it enough, how important filtered water is for the body, mind and soul.

Diet- a healthy diet. Plenty of veggies, fruit (local and organic if you can), try not to eat too much dairy and meat (unless of the organic varieties) and if you can, visit a naturopath- find out what YOUR body is crying for. We are all one, yet after years of abuse, all our bodies are hurting in different ways.

Excercise the mind AND body. Be sure to stay active, enjoy nature and the outdoors, and also be sure to practice either yoga or meditation to relieve your mind.


1. Avoidance
Avoid watching the TV news and reading the papers. Turn off and tune out all of the images of war and violence and crime. You already know it’s out there; you don’t need to watch it over and over every single day. Instead, focus your energy on sending healing and peaceful light to those areas of the world.

Limit your time with people you know are always negative. I’m referring to people who always whine and complain about everything and everyone; not those who come to you for help with a problem.

2. Remember who’s in control
The only person who chooses how you feel and what you think is you. If you want to be and stay positive, then don’t let the negativity of others get you down. You can be compassionate and sympathetic without losing your positive outlook. It’s your positive outlook that will make the people around you feel better. Energy is contagious—whether it be positive or negative. Infect those near you with your positivity and you’ll continue to feel better yourself.

3. Random acts of kindness
There is little else in the world that feels better than making someone else’s day. Performing a random act of kindness, especially to a stranger, will boost you up for days. These are the kinds of things that are usually paid forward, so your one act can impact many more than one life.

4. Surround yourself with other positive people
Yes, there are more out there just like you! Spend time with people you love and have fun. Get out and enjoy yourself with others who are just as positive as you are.

These are just a few simple ways you can remain positive when there seems to be negativity all around you. You can be the eye of the storm if you can maintain control over your emotions and hang onto your positive mindset. If you continue to radiate peace and positiveness, the people around you will start doing the same.

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